Renewed focus on the ABCs of safe ZZZ’s

In Duval County, 80 babies have died over the past five years (2018-2022) due to unsafe sleeping conditions, most of which were preventable. In 2022, nearly 22 percent of infant deaths in Duval County were sleep related; the most common cause being babies accidentally suffocated by bedding or another person while bedsharing.

To help mitigate this trend, the NEFHSC, with support from the Kids Hope Alliance recently launched the ABCs of Safe ZZZ’s, a social marketing campaign in Duval County encouraging parents, caregivers and siblings to know and implement the ABCs of safe sleep practices: for every sleep, babies should be placed Alone, on Back and in a Crib. The campaign runs through Sept. 30, 2024 and includes safe sleep training and other resources.