Safe Sleep

Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), which includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), is the leading cause of injury death in infancy in Northeast Florida and across the country. Sleep is a big challenge for families with babies, but following safe sleep recommendations can prevent many SUID fatalities.

Inappropriate bedding, not on back to sleep and not in an infant bed are among the top risk factors associated with these deaths. Comprehensive awareness and informational campaigns have been credited with changing behavior and reducing sleep-related deaths.

The American Academy of Pediatrics first released recommendations on safe sleep practices in 1992. Read their latest recommendations, released June 2022, here.

For information on crib recalls, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Safety Tips, Recalls and Warnings.



  • Baby is on his⁄her back for naps & at night until one year of age.
  • Baby is alone in bed. Baby’s sleep area is in the same room, next to where parents sleep.
  • No smoking around the baby.
  • No pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, bumper pads or toys are in the crib with baby.
  • Baby is on a firm and flat sleep surface, such as a mattress in a safety-approved crib. The sheet fits tightly.
  • Baby is dressed in light sleep clothing, such as a sleep sack/wearable blanket. Do not over bundle the child. Make sure nothing covers the baby’s head.

Help us spread the message of safe sleep and save lives because all babies  deserve to celebrate their first birthday!

Training for Physicians, Hospitals & Agencies

Print Materials for Safe Sleep

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