Leadership Academy graduates new class

The Make a Difference! Leadership Academy Graduation was held May 29 at Wells Fargo’s Historic Springfield Community Learning Center. Nine individuals were awarded Certificates of Completion and are excited about the opportunity to initiate a Community Project.

Graduation included a presentation of the group’s action plan and the speaker was chosen from the group.  Participants spoke of their journey through the 12-week course and expressed their appreciation for being involved. The Make a Difference Leadership Academy includes topics such as but not limited to: Local Icons, Leadership, Your Personal Leadership Style, Community Values, Ethical Leadership, Working Together as a Team, Effective Meetings Public Speaking. Field trips were taken to the Museum of Science and History (MOSH) RACE exhibit, historical sites such as the Kingsley Plantation and other exhibits.

The group chose to implement a Community Room in one of the local housing complexes as their Community Action Plan project at the end of the course. The graduates all are working on their individual tasks and plan to see the project to completion.