Adverse Childhood Experiences 102: Self Care Practices training available

A training on Adverse Childhood Experiences 102: Self Care Practices for Youth Program Providers is available to adolescent-serving agencies on August 28 from 9am-12pm at the Jacksonville Children’s Commission.

Space is limited. Register here.

The three-hour training workshop is for front-line staff in youth development programs — especially those working with young people who have experienced trauma. The workshop focuses on trauma stewardship for youth workers who may have been exposed to secondary trauma through their work with children and youth. Presenters will introduce self-care techniques using yoga, massage, meditation and communication, offering practice tips and hands-on activities. Participants should dress comfortably.

This program is supported in part by the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition with funding from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau under the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) (Grant No. 90AK0011-01-00). The training will be conducted by the JCC in conjunction with the Healthy Start Coalition and Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network  (JASMYN).