Press Releases

10.27.2015: Fathers the focus of new federal funding

10.13.2015: Report on status of fetal and infant deaths in Northeast Florida to be released

9.4.2015: Family-friendly walk, music festival to highlight second annual Jacksonville Baby Buggy Walk in the Park

7.23.2015: Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition announces their third baby graduation

7.23.2015: Local barbers use shops to bring messages about healthy babies to patrons, community

5.8.2015: Local All-Stars Take a Swing For a Healthy Start

In the News

12.29.2015: Better contraceptives key to improving reproductive health

11.20.2015: Racial disparities in infant mortality

11.18.2015: Too many poor women can’t obtain good health care

11.12.2015: Babies born addicted to drugs

11.11.2015: Co-sleeping with your child

11.5.2015: Jacksonville earns “D” on March of Dimes report card for premature births

11.4.2015: More local companies buying into local PATH to employee health

10.30.2015: Infant mortality rate remains steady in Northeast Florida

10.30.2015: Lead Letter: We must address the tragedy of infant mortality in Jacksonville

10.23.2015: Infant mortality has moved back to the shadows

9.16.2015: Simple tips can lead to baby safety

8.14.2015:  Cheers: Barbers help out city’s infants

8.9.2015: Barbers for Babies

8.7.2015: Cheers: Baby Grads

8.1.2015: GRADUATION DAY: Healthy First Time Mom and Toddlers

7.23.2015: Florida’s infant mortality rate lowest in state history, but increasing in Duval

7.9.2015: Making birth control accessible

6.11.2015: Unenviable rank: county seventh in state in “drug babies”

6.5.2015: Rounds at the Grounds fights infant mortality

6.4.2015: Telvin Smith throws out first pitch at celebrity softball game

5.28.2015: Rounds at the Grounds

5.18.2015: Action News Investigates: Babies born premature, sickly and inconsolable

5.13.2015: ‘Rounds at the Grounds’ scheduled for June 4

5.12.2015: Jacksonville-area celebs, medical bigs set to square off for Rounds at the Grounds

3.27.2015: DCF aims to reduce unsafe sleeping deaths in children

3.8.2015: Frank Denton: How to save at-risk children

3.2.2105: New moms told it’s never too early to encourage literacy

2.16.2015: Partnership supports Jacksonville’s high-risk, first-time mothers

1.30.2015: Meet the Parents

1.26.2015: Pro bono spotlight: Project R 2015 is a community initiative